Monday, January 30, 2012

Office Wars Animations

Here's all the quicktime links to the animations I have completed so far. I apologize for not directly posting them as videos, I haven't found a lot of time to do the video editing, but I will try to make an entire video of all the animations when they are done for everyone to critique or make suggestions. In the mean time, I will be posting animations as I go as quicktime links for anyone to see. I apologize if they take a few minutes to load. Post the link in your finder to download (please use google chrome, Internet explorer may not download correctly)
 Also use ctrl + L to loop quicktime videos for walk and run cycles.

1. Whitey walk cycle (work in progress, not complete)

2. Whitey skip cycle

3. Whitey Death_1

4. Whitey Death_2

5. Whitey Death_3

6. Fat Guy Walk Cycle

7. Fat Guy Run Cycle

8. Whitey Idol

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Repository Information




Please install this version of UDK for the repo location

Also install TortoiseSVN

Art assets go into the "Custom Asset" folder. Create your own folder with your name if you wish.

For More info, check out the wiki

Friday, January 20, 2012



I got your voice mail that I will meet with your team on
Tue (24 Jan) @ 3:00 pm.

To prepare the stipend forms, I need the following:

1. Full name
2. Phone #
3. Home address
4. Student at what university/school
5. Full SS#

Please send these info to me before our meeting so I
can fill up the forms and have them sign at the meeting.

Make sure to send this information to his email -
your subject should say- Norco Art Student (your name)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Tuesday the 24th at 3pm is when we can sign our w9 forms
please let me know if you are able to make it.

location Cal State San Bernardino.
building Jack Brown Hall
room 361 third floor.

my cell

Friday, January 13, 2012

Alecs Progress

Toilet - 542 Tris
Sink - 643 Tris
Dispenser - 30 Tris
Urinal - 346 Tris
Mirror - 10 Tris
Toilet Paper - 170 Tris
Stall Door - 40 Tris
Stall Wall - 26 Tris
Divider - 10 Tris

Weapon(Ruler Sword not Final)

Jason's Progress - Manager's Office

Table - 140 Tris
Desk - 312 Tris
Desk Lamp - 124 Tris
Dresser - 468 Tris
Shelf - 278 Tris
Coat Hanger - 400 Tris
Picture Frame - 26 Tris(Each)
Safe - 128 Tris
Trophy - 178 Tris
Plant - 368 Tris
Managers Chair - 1001 Tris

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


individual asset save naming convention(when turning in your completed asset, please keep an .mb of the individual asset for yourself before exporting as an .fbx)

(name)_(enviorment).fbx (needs to be saved in the FBX format)


please be sure to center your asset to the world aswell

if you don't have the fbx plugin installed please use this link
32bit operating system


whity is done, 512 texture map!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Elevator 102 Tris
Bookshelf 88 Tris
Extinguisher + Pillar 208 Tris

Sunday, January 8, 2012

break room, with original concept!

Alec Pacillo - Bathroom

sink(bar multiple sinks)
roll dispenser
light fixture above the mirror
hand dryer


projector screen - 48 tris
conference chair- 826 tris
table- 200 tris
beer pong cups(10)- 320 tris
ping pong ball- 112 tris
podium- 44 tris
office easel- 66 tris

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Next- enviornments + character archetypes

conference room,bathroom inside,more clutter,stairways,break room, individual office room.

Fat guy(The Suits)
Female white-colar worker
the intern

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alec's Work

344 Tris altogether.

Remaning assets to-do

office door
elevator(doors and room)
book shelf
rectangular support Pillar(with fire extinguisher)
interior walls(level boundary varied - windows and plain walls)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Alec Pacillo's Tasks

big gulp(drink 100tris)
bathroom sign( 3 types male female and squid 20tris each)
trashcan(mesh 120tris)
Charts(2 tris)
motivational posters(without folds(2 tris) with folds(20tris)
Exit sign(10 tris)

Jason's Progress - Office Chair

986 Tris

Jason's Progress

Desk 92 Tris
Phone 108 Tris
Stapler 82 Tris
Monitor 86 Tris
Keyboard 26 Tris
Mouse 40 Tris
Cubical Wall 16 Tris

Currently working on an office chair

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Here is the laitest Rig update. Its almost done.

Tony has told me what else needs to be added.

My Progress

fax machine 130 tris
office plant 130 tris
standing lamp 70 tris
file cabinet 76 tris
open file cabinet 126 tris
plunger 152 tris
janitors bin 152 tris
water dispenser 313 tris
vending machine 148 tris

textures are not final.